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How SEO Ranking Affects During Hosting Change?

Most persons are changing their host for getting best service and amount deal. Hostgator coupon codes is making Hostgator deal more saving for users so they are moving to their site on its. It is bringing a Hostgator 1cent coupon 2019 for which customers are more passionate about the major discount offer. But, the question is changing hosting affect SEO. Yes, it does affect the search engine position of the website.

Generally, changing web hosts affect the various set-up of the site.  New host changes the location of the server completely. Search engines are smart on many things; it comes to dealing with many of the routine changes of the website. Switching Reliable hosting company affects your website search engine ranking in several ways.

Location of Server

First and most important things to consider are the location of the server. Search engines check the IP of the website. Through IP address search engine find out the location of the country of the server. If the new server is in a different country it will affect the traffic of website due to the geographical location of the host. And it will lose the SE rank of the site.  The reason for losing website rank can be the Google relied on TLD’s (Top Level Domains) to classify the website based on country. If the new server is also in the same country as the previous host that will not affect the SE rank. But you need to consider other factors.

Loading Speed of website

The new location can generate many other factors.  If the website is loading slower on new server the Google will drop the ranking of a website. The speed of the website also affects the rank of the website on search engine result page.


Host change means the performance of services also changes. If the website is down during processing then this will decrease its search ranking.  When a site is waiting for DNS propagation, it could take 24 to 72 hours. If your site is down during this period, your website has already been affected.

Hosting plan affects SEO

At the time of changing host, if you are going downgrade plan do affect website performance. If you are moving up in hosting plan, there is a chance to affect site positively.

Quality of Server

When you are changing the host, should check the quality of the server. Your website performance not depends only on physical quality but also depend on how they manage their servers. The hosts that have crowded server and lot of downtime will end up your website SEO rank.

Before migrating your website to another host, make sure some things about host server.  Your website SEO rank depends on its loading time and graphical location also. If on changing host you got a better server with good loading time, it will give a positive effect on the site’s SEO rank.

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